Showing posts with label peace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label peace. Show all posts

01 September


roaming the streets wandering around just like us
i love you i thank you i need you i love you

golden teacher light the way
i love you i thank you i need you i love you
autumn has begun

the good people are still good despite
they have nothing and that makes those who do feel exposed
i love you i thank you i need you i love you

30 August


you are awakened in your eyes 

how to know when youre awakened ? the EYES you know . and when MY eyes look like THEIR eyes thats when i will be awakened . 

im really high happily . have a great day everybody  and SMILE :)

i love you !!! 

it isnt a matter of doing less , doing fewer bad things . it is a matter of changing the things i choose to do in place of each thing .

thanks master satan !!! you rock and roll !!!

(not actual photo) 

prepare fore aliens because i am going to use my camera these last days of summer fall and i will see as much as i can .

helter skelter

23 August


remember what the military does. remember what the government is capable of. and remember that at no point has anything ever changed in this system this machine. DO NOT BE FOOLED. be curious about the things the government tries to prevent people from. 

LSD / drugs (current prohibition)

peace (all war)

sharing (communism)

dont let them trick you . remember what the man says is bad. remember what the ego tries to ignore to maintain its comfort. DESTROY YOUR EGO. DESTROY YOUR EGO AND DESTROY THE MAN. 

KENT STATE in 1970 and the response from the people

the kids said NO to the evil war nixon was continuing. they said FUCK YOU NIXON and FUCK the AMERICAN MILITARY!

the national guard rolled in fully battle dressed. helmets and loaded guns ready to do the one thing a gun can do. kill living beings that want to live. and the national guard shot up the campus. killing four and injuring more.

never forget that in this country if you believe in something as pure and true as PEACE you get shot. they would rather kill kids on their college campus that have to see them spread the truth to more minds. cuz if people really believed that killing was wrong and that peace is good (which most of us humans believe despite what theyll tell you about "everyone else") then how could they so easily convince those same young people to join the military. how do they convince moms and pops to support the killings from their comfortable american luxuries. 

kids usually are the first to understand peace. and love. as we get older our brains become less LSD fueled. that is why adults of all ages MUST humble themselves and LEARN from our CHILDREN. because they have insight ONLY THEY CAN SEE. they know what adults cant anymore know.


 in 1970 a bunch of national guards soldiers. some of whom surely went to kent state previously or currently during their service. and our evil military found an efficient way to train them to pull the trigger when the man says. even if they are aiming at young protesters. their likes. their kids. the children that believe in something true. PEACE. they believe in an end to structured systematic violence that we as a human race have outgrown. 

children born and raised in a peaceful world could never fathom such a system we accept. where children are literally raised to become fodder from the second they are taught to put their hands over their hearts and repeat the words of a pledge. at an age so young none of it could ever be explained. 

because kids dont get it? their not with it?

NO. BECAUSE IT DOESNT MAKE ANY GODDAMN SENSE. not until you find yourself an adult. out of your brains natural LSD. and living for the ego. by playing evil roles in an evil system.



i can make a list of the kent state victims who died. people .. young people especially dont care. they say "it was a long time ago." maybe they dont realize that these kids could have or would have still been alive today if they werent EXECUTED BY THE AMERICAN MILITARY for what they believed in.  


age twenty, born 1950

age twenty, born 1949

age nineteen, born 1950

age nineteen, born 1951


but i cant make a list of all the victims of our system of violence and exploitation. because there are too many victims and many of them will go unknown. but that list gets longer every goddamn second. roughly 3,100 animals are murdered every SECOND alone. right now someone has died in a war. right now someone is dying in a war. right now women and children are working all day this day - today to make the cheap clothing you buy at the store. right now, there are men and women like you who are spending this entire day, today, working for PENNIES so that you can get that AMAZON product for a low price of a couple bucks. and next year its in a landfill. out of sight out of mind. 

TODAY there are people suffering so that YOU can live your life the way you do in this dystopia. and you could be so easily tricked into thinking you deserve it. but if you deserve this purchased comfort, that means THEY deserve their life of exploitation to provide for your ego wants. the pursuit of greed. and the protection of that greed. which justifies all this killing.