30 August


working for the man ??? not a chance !!

sexy biker with a great t shirt 

ive worn tee shirts since i started dressing myself and they are starting to fuse together into a solid mass of dense cotton


29 August


removed by the national park service in the year 2000
the mojave phone booth
a 20th century symbol of modernity and hope and human connection
a vision that died sometime after y2k
(760) - 733 - 9969
even in the mojave desert there is hope "if you call it they will come"


remember the mojave phone booth and what it says about us
below is the empty space where the booth once stood

its okay that it is over . there are new things out there to appreciate . and there are new things to discover and make . thank you mojave phone booth .



look at and admire these other peoples pages

mojave phone booth is gone

"if you call it they will come. if you come they will remove it"




behold the red dress .

the red dress from a december movie film . now painted for twenty two . path of pins ???

26 August


i love you !! i love you !! i love you !!

never dupe a farmer
if i think diff i have to look differnt. change is good and to laern to change is done by changing what little control
colors and shapes are the main key for i and magickal symbols

23 August


remember what the military does. remember what the government is capable of. and remember that at no point has anything ever changed in this system this machine. DO NOT BE FOOLED. be curious about the things the government tries to prevent people from. 

LSD / drugs (current prohibition)

peace (all war)

sharing (communism)

dont let them trick you . remember what the man says is bad. remember what the ego tries to ignore to maintain its comfort. DESTROY YOUR EGO. DESTROY YOUR EGO AND DESTROY THE MAN. 

KENT STATE in 1970 and the response from the people

the kids said NO to the evil war nixon was continuing. they said FUCK YOU NIXON and FUCK the AMERICAN MILITARY!

the national guard rolled in fully battle dressed. helmets and loaded guns ready to do the one thing a gun can do. kill living beings that want to live. and the national guard shot up the campus. killing four and injuring more.

never forget that in this country if you believe in something as pure and true as PEACE you get shot. they would rather kill kids on their college campus that have to see them spread the truth to more minds. cuz if people really believed that killing was wrong and that peace is good (which most of us humans believe despite what theyll tell you about "everyone else") then how could they so easily convince those same young people to join the military. how do they convince moms and pops to support the killings from their comfortable american luxuries. 

kids usually are the first to understand peace. and love. as we get older our brains become less LSD fueled. that is why adults of all ages MUST humble themselves and LEARN from our CHILDREN. because they have insight ONLY THEY CAN SEE. they know what adults cant anymore know.


 in 1970 a bunch of national guards soldiers. some of whom surely went to kent state previously or currently during their service. and our evil military found an efficient way to train them to pull the trigger when the man says. even if they are aiming at young protesters. their likes. their kids. the children that believe in something true. PEACE. they believe in an end to structured systematic violence that we as a human race have outgrown. 

children born and raised in a peaceful world could never fathom such a system we accept. where children are literally raised to become fodder from the second they are taught to put their hands over their hearts and repeat the words of a pledge. at an age so young none of it could ever be explained. 

because kids dont get it? their not with it?

NO. BECAUSE IT DOESNT MAKE ANY GODDAMN SENSE. not until you find yourself an adult. out of your brains natural LSD. and living for the ego. by playing evil roles in an evil system.



i can make a list of the kent state victims who died. people .. young people especially dont care. they say "it was a long time ago." maybe they dont realize that these kids could have or would have still been alive today if they werent EXECUTED BY THE AMERICAN MILITARY for what they believed in.  


age twenty, born 1950

age twenty, born 1949

age nineteen, born 1950

age nineteen, born 1951


but i cant make a list of all the victims of our system of violence and exploitation. because there are too many victims and many of them will go unknown. but that list gets longer every goddamn second. roughly 3,100 animals are murdered every SECOND alone. right now someone has died in a war. right now someone is dying in a war. right now women and children are working all day this day - today to make the cheap clothing you buy at the store. right now, there are men and women like you who are spending this entire day, today, working for PENNIES so that you can get that AMAZON product for a low price of a couple bucks. and next year its in a landfill. out of sight out of mind. 

TODAY there are people suffering so that YOU can live your life the way you do in this dystopia. and you could be so easily tricked into thinking you deserve it. but if you deserve this purchased comfort, that means THEY deserve their life of exploitation to provide for your ego wants. the pursuit of greed. and the protection of that greed. which justifies all this killing. 





walked on the dark area with no lights at night hour or two ago . with someone. i saw a pretty shooting star it was very nice. there was whistling sound. like some one whistling. it sounded kinda further away . but with both heart it and then it happened again closer. it was very clear human whistling. it sounded close so you could see if someone was there. there was no one around at all. unless hiding in the trees . but that second whistle was so close frum a direction clear. so we did not go back when we went back bcus the breeze swept smell of rot that was not there before it seemed like signs of skinwalker. so we avoided going thru the dark the second time. 

later by a development we pulled all these sticks out of her sock / shoe. these people from there prob some teens or drunk adults stopped yelled just a yell and then yelled at us to go home and then laughed at us. we just looked back at them like this 

then they drove off cracking up. the girl i was with said when the car slowed down she thought they werre gonna come out and kill us. we would have been perfecrt defenseless victims . i dont really care if anyone kills me though i was thinking that earlier because she said what if this road were walking never ended it just kept going on forever. and i was like i dont care if it did because i dont wanna go back i hate my life. i love my cats . i would feel bad if they never knew what happened and i promised them id protect them forever. 

earlier today i was listening to music and i realised that music plays me . it is exhausting and i feel dirty . i could take a shower right now but i dont want the running water to make a big deal . it is early in the morning . but something tells me that i should do it like it would magickally be or karmicallyy be the right thing to do. 

i also do not think i should feel guilt for hanging out with a person . but i ffeel this feeling like i did something wrong. i look back at all we did but i keep feeling like i wasnt doing something good enough i am always missing it and it always is a very clear indication very very clear and noticable every time. i go out with someone . when it is close by or now it is months or one month or two. i do not think someone should feel guilt and i feel so clearly i have done something wrong. or not good enough. it is every time im doing anything with any body not including ... ghosts spirits friends like that .

15 August


satanic psychedelic message about ego from howard stern show

do not assume own plastic covered presence the world is big and it has paper bag people and to act pathetic in response? it just wont help it is confusing. it is confusing to choose that response. it gives the power want to have over self. very important.

thank you